Clues and Riddles Related to Answer: microwave

Clue: With a very small gesture of the hand you will guess the location of your next item or clue. A thesaurus for small will help you too.

With a very small gesture of the hand you will guess the location of your next item or clue. A thesaurus for small will help you too.

Answers: microwave

Clue: Warm bites my body craves, make it quick with tiny waves

Warm bites my body craves, make it quick with tiny waves

Answers: microwave

Clue: A metal box with numbers is usually the norm For this thing that helps us get our food warm.

A metal box with numbers is usually the norm For this thing that helps us get our food warm.

Answers: microwave

Clue: I have a sound that goes beep, and while the time I do keep, my main function is to heat?

I have a sound that goes beep, and while the time I do keep, my main function is to heat?

Answers: microwave