Clues and Riddles Related to Answer: clock

Clue: What has a face and 2 hands – no legs but is running 24 hours per day?

What has a face and 2 hands – no legs but is running 24 hours per day?

Answers: clock

Clue: What has hands but doesn’t grab or feel?

What has hands but doesn’t grab or feel?

Answers: clock

Clue: Do you have time for me?

Do you have time for me?

Answers: clock

Clue: Without fingers, I point, without arms, I strike, without feet, I run. What am I?

Without fingers, I point, without arms, I strike, without feet, I run. What am I?

Answers: clock

Clue: I run but I cannot walk, I sometimes sing but never talk, I lack arms but I have hands, I lack a head but I have a face.

I run but I cannot walk, I sometimes sing but never talk, I lack arms but I have hands, I lack a head but I have a face.

Answers: clock